Officially Licenced Circuits


Whisker Biscuit by Runoffgroove

From A Bazz Fuss/Big Muff Pi hybrid. Smooth, super-long sustain and cleans up pretty well with the guitar volume knob. An alternative standard BMP. The 47pF caps are optional*. When used, they give a velvet-like sound.

*The 47pF caps are standard with the kit and are recommended.

Whisker Biscuit pic
Note: this is a prebuilt pedal for illustrative purposes. The kit version will be bare metal... an open canvas upon which to add your touch.

Whisker Biscuit
Two controls: Tone, Volume

Pedal: $150 (plug&play boutique pedal, powder-coated in white. Identical to above picture). Will ship in approximately 4 weeks.
Kit: $65 (includes PCB)
PCB alone: $15



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