BAR/OLC Tube Cricket
The Tube Cricket is a half-watt guitar amp collaboration between Beavis
Audio Research and OLCircuits. This bizarre recombination of ideas
(think Jeff Goldblum in “The Fly”) yields a nice gainy sound that won’t
disturb sleeping kids, neighbors, or your parole officer. This kit runs
on the included 12 VDC wall-wart adapter and can power a 4x12 cab for
meaty tone.

Note1: this is the pre-built version for illustrative purposes. The kit version will be bare metal... an open canvas upon which to add your touch.
Note2: the aesthetic 'rollbars' (near the tube), are no longer available.
none yet
Hybrid Design (tube preamp, chipamp power amp)
Instrument-level Input / Speaker-level Output
Operates on 12 VDC power adapter (included for US customers, see this FAQ for specs and a recommended Maplin unit for international customers)
Three controls: Gain, Tone, Master